Monday, October 29, 2012

Movie Reaction

I found this movie to be extremely effective in describing the tragedy in Japan. I was uneducated and uninformed about the tsunami that disastrously destroyed many homes and took many lives. First and foremost, what I found to be extremely interesting was the way in which the film was able to grasp the emotional responses of numerous individuals. In class, we have learned so much about the concepts of “honne” and “tatamea” which create norms to control emotions in public environments. Although the individuals hesitantly cried, (some began to laugh or smile when they began to tear up) they did show emotion to the interviewer. This shows the magnitude of this catastrophe and the influence this tsunami has had over so many lives. This film showed that due to the catastrophic degree of events, people were unable to hold back any emotion.
            Also, I was extremely shocked by the extent of the damage caused by the tsunami. The film showed multiple scenes of completely destroyed houses, cars and belongings. One interviewee described her familiarity with her street, and that she knew where her house used to be located, and yet, there was no neighborhood left standing. She also explained that some of her neighbors and friends did not survive. Additionally, she expressed amazement towards all of the cars and belongings that had piled up amongst debris in various areas. She wondered how things may have been different if people had actually evacuated. She explained that many people did not believe that the tsunami would have such a significant impact, or they did not believe it would actually affect their neighborhood. Due to this doubtfulness, lives were lost. She expressed extreme regret and sorrow over the idea of this.
            I think it is truly amazing that our school systems failed to inform students more fully about this event. It was not until this video that I truly understood the magnitude of the event and the negative impact it had on so many lives. I think to be educated on this tsunami through the personal perspectives of individuals facing the outcome of this disaster is an effective and important way to learn about the unfortunate event. I am glad that I was able to view this film and develop an appreciation for the shocking conditions others are still facing in Japanese society. 


  1. After watching this film, I spent a good amount of time thinking about Hurricane Katrina. After Hurricane Katrina, people joined together to help rebuild the city and provide relief to those severely affected. I think that it is extremely important for people to join together to help those in need.

  2. The best part of this film was the emotional and physical destruction that was evident from the documentary. It does remind me a lot of what the U.S suffered during Katrina, and how New Orleans is still being repaired.
